Charbox Biochar Producing Stove

Erin Rasmussen

Laurens Rademakers, Biochar Fund
December, 2009

See the attachment for full sized pictures.

we've designed a new biomass stove that produces char. The stove is a simple hybrid of a rocket stove and a retort. We would be glad if you could upload it to the stoves list, because we want to see what the community thinks of it. It is only a concept, even though we've tested some basic design steps.

We will be testing this design at our large biochar site in Congo, where our project soon kicks off.

Best regards,

Laurens Rademakers
Managing director

Biochar Fund

Belgium address:
Leo Dartelaan 20
3001 Heverlee

Cameroon address:
Presbyterian Church Center
Mbonge Road, Kumba
South-West Region
Republic of Cameroon

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