BIOCHAR PIT KILN is one of the simplest method of converting the crop residue and other biomass into Biochar / charcoal The farmers can easily create pits / trenches and convert the biomass residue (apart from using for compost, mulch, etc) otherwise wasted by burning in the fields openly. The tribals at Yerragondapalem (supported by NABARD / Sri Sai Educational Society), in Andhra Pradesh were trained in this method (GSBC Project), they are able to produce the biochar, preparing biochar compost and applying to their fields.
For more details see
GSBC Project is supported by, France and being implemented by GEO, Hyderabad
* About 30% biochar production
* 3 to 4 days for a batch of charcoal production
* Continuous hot water access (pot 1)
* Highly suitable for institutional cooking and as well making biochar
* Additional heat generated by flaring the pyrolysis gases, used for cooking
* Mitigation of the emissions during the pyrolysis by flaring
* Costs about Rs. 3000 for a 2’ width x 5’ depth x 6’ hight (in feet) “GEO Biochar pit stove”. (cost including, tin sheet for cover, digging the pit, three pot stove and chimney.)
*_"GEO BIOCHAR STOVE" is designed by Dr. N. Sai Bhaskar Reddy, CEO, GEO. Demonstrated to farmers under the project Good Stoves and Biochar Communities Project, being supported by, France